Good night Gracie

September 16, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Two years ago on a dreary May morning, our sweet dog Nikki passed away.  She was our girl; our pride and joy.  We weren’t sure we could ever get another dog after losing Nikki.   We tried to rescue a wild scrappy dog named Abby a year later; she needed more than we could give her so we ended up giving her to a family with lots of grand kids and dogs to play with her.  We just weren’t ready.

Then came Gracie. 

I got a call from my cousin, who rescues animals and was determined to get us another dog. (Thanks Daniel!)  He said he found the perfect dog and then he played dirty!  He told us Gracie’s story.  Sometime this summer a not so nice person decided to load up 2 puppies and drop them off a mile from the local shelter( really not so nice person, you couldn’t go one more mile!!).  A man on his way to work in the middle of the night found Gracie along the road, she had been hit.  He moved her safely to the side of the road and called the police. When the police came they found a little male puppy perfectly fine and took him to the shelter, not knowing that Gracie was close by.  The kind man stopped on his way home from work the next morning to see if Gracie had been picked up. Poor Gracie had been out all night in a storm, all day in 95 degree heat and was covered with flies.  He called the Antietam Humane Society who took her to the Wayne Height Animal Hospital where they were able to save her by amputating her leg.

We got the call to come meet the sweetest little puppy.  So we went and after hearing her story how could you not take her home!  Gary wasn’t as convinced she was “our girl”, so we fostered her for two weeks even though I knew all along she was ours, right dear ;).  After two weeks who wouldn’t fall in love with that sweet face?

Gracie has been an amazing surprise for us.  She loves to snuggle and sit on my lap.  Her little tail never stops wagging….she is just so happy.  And she can run!  She can run so fast. I am teaching her how to sit and even though she can’t shake, I am determined to teach her “high five”.  Gracie has decided to sleep with us, right in between of us….we found our girl.  So for now, Goodnight Gracie.

Thank you so much to everyone who helped Gracie, the kind man who stopped twice on the street, the Antietam Humane Society, Wayne Heights Veterinary Clinic and Daniel, I knew you would find us our dog.



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